Geri Halliwell … Report says Mel B.’s claim that she hooked up with fellow Spice Girl Geri Halliwell is ‘untrue’ … Mueller report says no collusion with Russia … Matt Taibbi compares the media’s Russia hysteria to Iraq/WMD era … The world’s most expensive new car costs $19 million … Over 600 dead and tens of thousands in need of help after cyclone in central Africa … Drunken driver who killed motorcyclist gets just two days in jail … Monsanto Roundup banned in Los Angeles area … “Dog dies protecting family during birthday party shooting” in Texas … U.S. budget has record monthly deficit … The Yankees got an outfielder from the Rockies … Hunter kills several baboon families then gets eaten alive by lions … Jelly Belly founder getting into the cannabis jelly bean biz … Diana Ross defends Michael Jackson … “Avocados recalled in 6 states over listeria concerns” … John Mara opposes initiative to replace onside kick with fourth-15 conversion, rest of the competition committee likes the idea … Always fun to see a golfer toss his club

“8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shooting. Should the government treat it like one?”

The German family that owns a controlling interest in Panera and Krispy Kreme donates $11 million to charity after learning that their ancestors were enthusiastic Hitler supporters

Unbelievable investigative journalism by the Cincinnati Enquirer in this story about human trafficking, drugs, and power-trading

New York Times CEO warns other publishers about the dangers of Apple becoming the Netflix of news

Google/YouTube getting out of the prestige scripted TV business

I’m quoted in this profile of House of Highlights founder Omar Raja

The hazy orange glow of Chicago is slowly going away

Lonzo Ball fires business manager Alan Foster over inability to account for $1.5 million; Foster had previously been sentenced to jail time after pleading guilty to defrauding 70 investors out of $4 million

Shawn Michaels and Scott Hall watch their legendary ladder match

Bill Simmons interviews Ben Stiller

Behind the animation of Spider-verse