Jumat, 08 November 2019

Meghan Markle Had a Super Relatable Makeup Mishap Yesterday - Cosmopolitan.com

  • Meghan Markle had a super relatable makeup mishap at the Poppy Factory’s Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey yesterday.
  • Meghan accidentally left a makeup smudge on veteran's coat and he was so excited about it he took a picture and said "I’m never washing that!"

    Yesterday, Duchess Meghan Markle joined Prince Harry at the Poppy Factory’s Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, and had an extremely relatable makeup mishap while hugging veteran William Allen, who took part in the D-Day landings during World War II.

    The moment went down when Meghan leaned in to hug and kiss William, leaving a smudge of powder on his jacket when she pulled away. Something I think we can all agree has happened to literally every single one of us. Except in my case I'm also leaving giant mascara stains and sometimes, if the person is lucky enough, some of my lipstick.

    And naturally, William didn't mind at all—and was in fact so excited about meeting the Duchess (and having her makeup smudged on his jacket) that he posed for a photo with it and said "I’m never washing that!" in reference to the smudge.

    Royal reported Rebecca English even shared a photo of the sweet moment on Twitter, writing "And here is D-Day veteran William Allen—a remarkable man who celebrates his 100th birthday next month. Meghan hugged and kissed him, leaving a little make-up smudge on his jacket. ‘I’m never washing that!’ he said."

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    2019-11-08 11:18:00Z

    More than 1 million Olympic tickets in latest Japan lottery - Fox News

    Frustrated residents of Japan will get another shot at attending next year's Tokyo Olympics when organizers on Friday put more than 1 million tickets into the latest lottery.

    Tokyo has generated unprecedented ticket demand inside and outside Japan. Organizers say 3.57 million tickets have already been awarded to Japan residents in two lotteries.

    Organizers have repeatedly declined to say how many tickets have been sought. But demand is believed to be at least 10 times over supply— probably more — with widespread complaints about the scarcity.

    "We have been doing our best to meet people's expectations as much as possible," Tokyo ticket director Hidenori Suzuki told Associated Press. "But unfortunately, we have a limited number of seats."

    Suzuki acknowledged he's received repeated requests to disclose the level of ticket demand. He said he hoped to do that sometime after the latest lottery ends. It opens on Wednesday and runs until Nov. 26, with results announced in mid-December.

    The demand has driven up hotel prices and even created concerns about how Tokyo's efficient train system will handle the July 24 to Aug. 9 games.

    Organizers say 7.8 million tickets are available for next year's games. They say at least 70% will go to the general Japanese public, which would be about 5.5 million. The rest are sold outside Japan, or allotted to sponsors, national Olympic committees or the IOC, or international sports federations.

    Suzuki was also imprecise about the number of tickets available this time.

    "We haven't decided exactly how many yet," he said. "It's not going to be way above 1 million."

    Jonathan Jensen, who studies sports marketing at the University of North Carolina, said Tokyo organizers have a reason to be vague about ticket numbers.

    "It's about the potential embarrassment that very few tickets will actually be part of a public sale," Jensen said in recent email to AP. "And uncertainty around how many tickets need to be held back to ensure commitments to sponsors and others."

    More than 60 companies have signed up as local Olympics sponsors, generating just over $3 billion and shattering all records for local sponsorship.

    "When you have so many sponsors you have very large guarantees to deliver tickets to them as part of their sponsorship packages," Jensen wrote.

    This is the last exclusive chance for residents of Japan. Another ticket offering in the spring will be open to Japan and non-Japan residents on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    This is the first time tickets for boxing are included in the Japan lottery.

    The International Olympic Committee stripped the boxing body AIBA of the right to organize the tournament, citing corruption in finance, refereeing, and judging. The IOC is now organizing the tournament after a long delay.

    Tickets will be unavailable for the marathons. The IOC, citing Tokyo's summer heat, is moving that event to the northern city of Sapporo against the wishes of Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.

    It's unclear where the marathons will be run in Sapporo, and if people who bought tickets to see the finish inside Tokyo's new national stadium will get refunds.

    Organizers hope to raise about $800 million in ticket sales. This revenue makes up a large part of the privately funded operating budget of $5.6 billion.

    A national government audit report last year said Tokyo would spend about $25 billion to organize the Olympics, all of which is public money except for the operating budget funding.

    Organizers dispute the figure and say it's half that much, part of a debate about what are — and are not — Olympic expenses.

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    2019-11-08 10:47:53Z

    Kamis, 07 November 2019

    Chris Evans and others sound off against CGI casting of James Dean - CNN

    According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dean will appear in the forthcoming Vietnam-era action drama "Finding Jack."
    Magic City Films, the production company behind the film, announced that it had obtained rights to use Dean's image from his estate and using CGI technology would include actual footage and photos of Dean in the movie.
    The "Rebel Without a Cause" actor died in a car crash at the age of 24 in 1955.
    Since then, Dean has become an iconic figure and news of his posthumous casting stoked anger among even some of his most famous admirers.
    "Captain America" star Chris Evans tweeted on Wednesday "I'm sure he'd be thrilled" with an eye-rolling emoji, referencing what he believed would be Dean's reaction to such news.
    "This is awful. Maybe we can get a computer to paint us a new Picasso," Evans wrote. "Or write a couple new John Lennon tunes. The complete lack of understanding here is shameful."
    Actor Elijah Wood, best known for his roles in the "Lord of the Rings" films, agreed.
    "NOPE," Wood tweeted. "This shouldn't be a thing."
    Anton Ernst, who is co-directing the film, told The Hollywood Reporter they "searched high and low for the perfect character to portray the role of Rogan, which has some extreme complex character arcs, and after months of research, we decided on James Dean."
    "We feel very honored that his family supports us and will take every precaution to ensure that his legacy as one of the most epic film stars to date is kept firmly intact," Ernst said. "The family views this as his fourth movie, a movie he never got to make. We do not intend to let his fans down."
    Prior to his death, Dean acted in only three films that were released: "Rebel Without a Cause," "East of Eden" and "Giant."
    Evans and Wood were not alone.
    Twitter was filled with those not happy about Dean's casting.
    "I need a full day to lay down and process that they're using James Dean CGI to project him into a Vietnam War movie when he was actively anti-war and would never been in this movie in life," one person tweeted. "Like how soulless and dystopian was the executive making that decision."
    Zelda Williams, daughter of the late actor and comedian Robin Williams, also weighed in on the controversy.
    "I have talked to friends about this for YEARS and no one ever believed me that the industry would stoop this low once tech got better," she tweeted. "Publicity stunt or not, this is puppeteering the dead for their 'clout' alone and it sets such an awful precedent for the future of performance."

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    2019-11-07 13:20:00Z

    Did Meghan Markle Really Have No Idea About Terrible British Tabloids? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    When Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, she may have assumed that she was going to be living a fairy tale. She got to marry her prince and the two of them took off in a horse-drawn carriage as the world watched.

    However, Markle may have been a bit disillusioned when it came to what it really meant to be part of the most famous family in the entire world. In a very short amount of time, the former American actress went from living a relatively quiet life in Toronto, where her popular show Suits was filmed, to being so closely watched that she could barely make a move without it becoming headline news.

    A documentary about Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry was recently aired, and viewers got an inside look about how Duchess Meghan was adjusting to her new life as the Duchess of Sussex. Fans found out she is a bit overwhelmed by the massive amount of attention that she receives every single day, especially the negative side of things.

    So, did Markle really have no idea about the terrible British tabloids?

    Meghan Markle is the subject of relentless attacks by the media

    Meghan Markle attends a roundtable discussion on gender equality.
    Meghan Markle |JEREMY SELWYN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

    Ever since fans found out that Markle was in a serious relationship with Prince Harry, she became one of the most sought-after women in the entire world. Lately, things haven’t been going so well for the duchess in regards to how the media portrays her.

    According to The National, Markle was initially a delightful addition to the royal family. She was modernizing the monarchy in ways that no one ever did before, and to say that Duchess Meghan was a breath of fresh air was an understatement!

    That has all started going in the opposite direction recently, and due to media “bullying,” the Duchess of Sussex has filed a lawsuit against the relentless British tabloids, while the Duke of Sussex released an unexpected statement asking the press to back off.

    Meghan Markle’s British friends warned her that this would happen

    Naturally, Markle was beyond excited when she began dating Prince Harry. Yet, dating someone so high-profile and in the public eye doesn’t come without drawbacks.

    Harper’s Bazaar reports that Markle’s British friends warned her about the pressures of the tabloids, and how her life would never be the same. The duchess admits that she knew royal life wouldn’t be simple, but she wasn’t prepared for just how intense it would be. She was told that the tabloids could potentially destroy her entire life, yet she didn’t take the advice that she was given.

    Duchess Meghan is living in a totally different world than the one she was in just a few years ago, and she now feels that the constant attacks on her are untrue, not to mention completely unfair.

    Meghan Markle didn’t understand the impact

    Duchess Meghan herself admits that she didn’t understand the impact that the tabloids would have on her life. Daily Mail reports that the duchess was somewhat naive about the situation, which is why she ignored the advice she was given. In the recent documentary, Markle reveals how as a native American, she had no idea what she’d be dealing with as a member of the royal family.

    Chances are, Duchess Meghan was in the dark when it came to how things were going to turn out. During her acting career, she was somewhat well-known, but she didn’t experience anything close to the level of fame she has now. Luckily, she has an amazing and supportive husband who will do whatever it takes to help her through this difficult time.

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    2019-11-07 12:08:15Z

    Chrissy Teigen Says What Everyone Is Thinking About the TI and Hymen Controversy - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    Chrissy Teigen is the unofficial queen of Twitter. The social media influencer has close to 12 million followers on the digital network and fans always look to her to weigh in on the latest in pop culture. Following the controversy raised by T.I. about his daughter, Teigen did not resist to react.

    T.I. and Chrissy Teigen
    T.I. and Chrissy Teigen | Prince Williams/Getty Images / SMXRF/Star Max/GC Images

    What did T.I. say?

    The rapper was a guest on the Ladies Like Us podcast where he talked about taking his daughter to the gynecologist. Nazanin Mandi and Nadia Moham asked the Rythm & Flow star if he had the “sex talk” with his daughters.

    “Not only have we had the conversation… we have yearly trips to the gynecologist to check her hymen,” he answered.

    He said that on her daughter’s Deyjah Harris 16th birthday, he told her that they had an appointment with the doctor the next day.

    “So we’ll go and sit down and the doctor comes and talk, and the doctor’s maintaining a high level of professionalism,” T.I. explained. “He’s like, ‘You know, sir, I have to, in order to share information’ — I’m like, ‘Deyjah, they want you to sign this so we can share information. Is there anything you would not want me to know? See, Doc? Ain’t no problem.'”

    The rapper was advised that the hymen can be broken in other ways besides sexual penetration like “bike riding, athletics, horseback riding, and just other forms of athletic physical activity.”

    “So I say, ‘Look, Doc, she don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bike, she don’t play no sports. Just check the hymen, please, and give me back my results expeditiously,'” T.I. said. “I will say, as of her 18th birthday, her hymen is still intact.”

    Chrissy Teigen and fan reactions

    Teigen was one of many Twitter users that reacted to the controversial remarks. The multi-tasking maven said what everyone else was thinking about the topic of discussion.

    “[Definitely] did not think we would be talking about hymens today or T.I.,” Teigen tweeted.

    There were seemingly so many tweets about “hymen” that Teigen announced she was muting the word so it stopped appearing in her timeline.

    “This is NOT the relationship men should be having with their daughters,” a fan tweeted.

    “A good gynecologist would first tell T.I. that the hymen as a barrier that can only be broken by penetration is a myth. Men’s obsession with this tiny piece of flesh causes an enormous amount of suffering for too many girls around the world,” another Twitter user added.

    “That is one of the most abusive, violating, patriarchal, and IGNORANT things I have seen in a long while,” another reader wrote.

    Deyjah Harris reacts

    After her father’s comments went viral, Harris started liking several reactions from fans on Twitter.

    “This is disgusting, possessive, and controlling,” one of the tweets read.

    “‘Give me my results,’ first of all MF, those are HER results. Like WTF?” another tweeted read.

    “This is just beyond possessive,” another supporter wrote.

    Harris has not responded to his father’s comments publicly as of now. According to Heavy, back in March of this year, she wrote on Instagram about not dating.

    “Sorry, no boys for me. Just a waste of time until someone who can love me and treat me like my dad pops up until then..,” she reportedly said.

    T.I. has not furthered made or responded to the controversy generated from his remarks.

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    2019-11-07 09:13:20Z

    Chris Brown's People Say L.A. Officials Harassed Him Over Yard Sale - TMZ

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    2019-11-07 09:00:00Z

    Rabu, 06 November 2019

    James Dean, who died in 1955, just landed a new movie role, thanks to CGI - The Verge

    James Dean is making his return to the big screen more than 60 years after dying in a car crash, thanks to two VFX companies.

    Finding Jack is a movie set within the Vietnam-era that is “based on the existence and abandonment of more than 10,000 military dogs at the end of the Vietnam War,” according to The Hollywood Reporter. Dean isn’t the leading role, but his performance as “Rogan” is “considered a secondary lead role,” according to the Reporter. Finding Jack marks the first movie that Dean will star in since Giant in 1956, just one year after his iconic role as Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause.

    Magic City Films, the company producing the movie, obtained the rights to Dean’s image from his family. The goal is to re-create “a realistic version of James Dean,” the film’s directors told the Reporter. To do so, they’re working with Canadian VFX studio Imagine Engine and South African VFX company MOI Worldwide. Dean’s body will be fully re-created using CGI technology, and another actor will voice his lines.

    “We searched high and low for the perfect character to portray the role of Rogan, which has some extreme complex character arcs, and after months of research, we decided on James Dean,” co-director Anton Ernst told the Reporter.

    It’s unclear exactly what any of that means, especially since there are thousands upon thousands of living actors who are probably capable of performing the role. Acquiring the rights to actors’ looks and using them for CGI re-creation purposes isn’t totally new — just look at Furious 7 or Rogue One: A Star Wars Storybut it is a conversation Hollywood is taking more seriously than ever. Vox critic Alissa Wilkinson touched upon the problem this faces in her review of Gemini Man, Ang Lee’s action movie that stars Will Smith and a younger version of Will Smith who plays his clone. Wilkinson wrote:

    So just imagine the options if you could perfectly recreate any actor — and the potential savings (and earning potential) for a movie studio that owns the rights to, say, the perfect replica of Keanu Reeves or Angelina Jolie or Will Smith, all while sharing licensingwith the actor’s estate. You might doubt it will ever be done; I would put money on it happening in the next decade, unless somehow the industry unions intervene. It’s already happened before, with actors like the late Peter Cushing recreated for Rogue One. And if you can recreate actors, you can create them, too, replacing the need to hire people to play all of those parts where nobody knows the actor’s name anyhow.

    Was James Dean really the only actor who could play this role? Doubtful. Whether it’s a marketing stunt that will draw attention to the movie or the future of cinema, it’s representative of a world we may soon be living in.

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    2019-11-06 17:05:34Z